I'm pretty sure the one on the left is Laurenz and the one on the right is Leander. |
They hold hands surprisingly often. |
They were both right around 3200 grams when they were born (which is roughly 7 lbs. apiece) and while that is on the healthy-but-still-relatively-small side for a baby, it is pretty much outrageously huge for twins. That's 14 lbs. of baby to be carrying around! Leander spent a night in the NICU since he came first and had to be helped out a bit, but really there were no problems with the births - Sabine didn't even have to have a C-Section which everyone was mostly expecting. They also didn't come a bit early. She had to be induced since they seemed happy to stay inside forever.
They spent their first 3 weeks in this world sleeping so much they would fall asleep right in the middle of eating and never eat enough. So the only scare we had is that they wouldn't gain any weigh, but that didn't last long. They are now voraciously hungry all the time and even occasionally wake up and cry for no apparent reason .
They are super cute, but are keeping mommy and daddy very busy and very sleepy.